A constantly evolving controller

In an informal survey, it was discovered that 9 out of 10 engineering professionals had their moments of disassembling and (trying to) assembling household appliances, radios, fans, remote-controlled cars, controllers, and other devices during their youth. Of course, this is a joke. But it is common to hear stories that this is where lots of people who work as engineers in the market start from. They were driven by an insatiable curiosity to understand how things and each of their parts work.

Reports obtained by the NOVUS team over the past year reveal that everyone working in engineering experiences a certain twinkle in their eye when they see the N20K48 modular controller for the first time. As robust, technological, reliable, and powerful as it may be, its modularity concept brings back memories of the times of discovery and invention.

Not a toy, but just as fun.

Perhaps is the most famous brand for popularizing the concept of modularity and the multitude of possibilities contained within it. When assembling a modular controller, where each part (or feature) can be added or removed as demanded by the application, it is impossible not to make an association.

It is not only the action of attaching or removing modules that brings back simpler times. Also, the ease of doing this on a day-to-day basis, considering highly complex industrial environments, is a factor that complement the usability and makes handling the device enjoyable. Automatically recognized by the controller hardware, replacement is fluid and commissioning is immediate.

Just like the famous building blocks, the modular controller can be used in a wide variety of applications. It is not restricted to a single operating demand or discrepancy in performance. According to process management, it is a product that can be considered generalist. Nevertheless, it is not limited to address only specific applications.

Constant evolution

The growing supply of micromodules is a differential of this device, which becomes even more adaptable with each new release. Expanding the possibilities is an advantage for those who already use and are familiar with the product. In addition, it is an electronic controller that is constantly being updated.

Evolving along with technologies and market needs is not only a N20K48 benefit. It is also an increasingly necessary possibility. Delivering this to the market without making it even more complicated to use is a NOVUS priority.

N20K48 is not only a modular PID controller with interchangeable functionalities. It is a robust device that empowers the end user to create a device that meets their needs, without wasting resources.



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